I still can't believe it.
I have made it in Hollywood.
Sort of.
No, I didn't land a role in any Hollywood production. But I did get my foot in the door of a Hollywood studio. I landed a client who works inside one of Hollywood's studios. That's good enough for me.
You probably never heard of this person because this person works behind the scenes. But you might have seen this person's name in some movies' credits, though.
We had some of our massage sessions in the person's office inside the studio itself.
I had access to the studio's backlot. Of course, not unfettered access. But with an escort.
My client's assistant rides a bike between the stages and sets of the backlot. She is really cool. She lent me her bike so I could take self guided tours of the backlot. I couldn't get very far without an escort though.

She is cute. I mean the assistant. She chilled with me after one of the massage sessions.
She was the one that suggested that I should dress extremely casually for the sessions. She said her boss would look favorably on me if I showed some skin. Wearing a tank top and shorts was just fine with me. I wore a hat and a tropical themed shorts because I wanted to show some style. This is Hollywood after all.
The assistant gave me a quick tour of the warehouse that housed the prop department.
This dude is not a mannequin. He works in the prop department. He wondered who I was. We had a quick chat. He seemed interested in getting some massage therapy. He took off his shirt, which was really odd. He wanted me to demonstrate my massage skills on him. It was weird, but I obliged. I gave him my card. He may be a future client.

So far, whenever I have gone to the studio for a massage session, I dress very casually, making sure to show some skin, but also to add some accessories to show some style.
Another day in the backlot.
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