Monday, January 30, 2017


I had my first modeling job of the year on Friday.

One of Meagan's colleague hired me to model some of her clothes. We did the photoshoot in the downtown area. We did most of the shoot in the utility area of an apartment building.

We did the shoot in the morning, so I had to get up early to prep myself. I wanted to look fresh.

The most notable piece of clothing was the sweat pants with the odd looking pockets.

There was limited privacy.

Michelle was fun to work with. She didn't demand retake after retake.

Of course I got paid for the job. And Michelle gave me a bonus. She treated me to a shopping trip on Sunday. That was so cool and gracious of her.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

baby blue

I don't usually wear my baby blue denims to work. The color doesn't communicate the kind of image that I wish to project.
Nevertheless, I wore my baby blue shirt and shorts to meet a client this afternoon. For some reason, I was in a baby blue denim mood.

Coincidentally, my friend Brian was wearing his baby blue jeans today. I met up with Brian during my long break between clients. He works at one of those warehouse stores.
He texted me. He wanted to know if we could hang out. His shift was ending. I was nearby. Actually, I wanted to grab something cheap to eat at the store's food court.
I met up with Brian behind the store. When I saw him, I noticed that he was wearing baby blue jeans. We were color coordinated by happenstance. I didn't expect that.

We joked about our color coordination. Something as silly as this, it was probably the most interesting thing about my day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

kinky stuff

Do you ever feel like you're in the wrong business or the wrong profession?
I am a massage therapist, but I recently had some clients who expected a different kind of massage service. You know, something erotic. The sexual healing kind. It was not the first time that this has happened to me.
I met this client at the new year's party. I handed out my business cards to a number of party goers who I thought might be interested in my service. This particular client called me and scheduled a session a few days later.
She was a spunky fun loving person. We danced and had a good time at the party.
We had a good first massage session. Now that I think about it, I probably did give her the impression that my services included stuff other than a massage. She was a flirty person. And I played along. Besides what else could I have done, she is good looking.
She called me again a day later to schedule another session. She did tell me that she had a friend who also wanted to use my service.

When I met her at her apartment complex for the second session, I met her three friends as well. They were all a fun loving bunch. They were playful. I didn't mind. I don't mind playful clients.

I made goofy poses with them. I joined them in the hot tub. As long as they were paying for my time, I went along with their activities. I did eventually give her a massage. What I didn't expect was that her friends were engaging in kinky stuff while watching our massage session.
It was a very tempting situation. It wasn't the first time that a client(s) of mine expected more than just a massage. I always have to remind myself not to cross the line whenever something like this happens.

It was a crazy experience. I never had to deal with so many participants during a session. They were good people who just wanted to have fun. I don't blame them. I didn't want to lose their business, but I had to remind them of my professional code. I really hope they would use my service again in the future, even if it is just for a simple massage. 
This experience got me thinking. Maybe I could make more money providing a broader range of services. But that would mean I would essentially be changing to a different profession. No, I think that I will stay with the profession that I am already in.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Gated community

Going to that fashion industry new year's eve party actually paid off for me. It turned out that I convinced one party goer to try my massage service.
He called me the other day to schedule an appointment with me. And we had our first massage session this morning. I am hoping that some of the other party goers that I gave my business card to will come calling.

This new client lives in a gated community. He is the first client that I have had that lives in such a place. I had to be checked in at the gate before I was allowed to enter. There was too much uniformity to the place, for my taste. In any case, I am happy to have a new client.

There was this one dude who took an interest in my presence in the neighborhood. He lived across the way from my client. He saw me carrying my gear out of my client's house. He was curious about what I was doing there. He was a bit nosy, but friendly enough.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Out with the old, In with the new

Happy New Year!
I ended last year by mixing pleasure with a bit of business. I tagged along with Meagan to a NYE party hosted by some of her fashion industry friends.
We were there to have a good time. But we also did some networking and hobnobbing. There were important industry people there. 
Meagan was right. My presence (and charm ;) ) was probably more effective in attracting the attention of some of the geezers there than Meagan's lovely presence alone could have.

There were a bunch of half naked dudes serving drinks. It was quite a sight.

I bumped into an old friend at the party. She helped me get some of my past modeling jobs. By the way, it got so hot that I decided to drop trou. Actually there was pool there. I was going to take a dip but I saw only one person swimming, so I decided to just stick my legs in the water. I went with the shorts for the rest of the night.

My good friend Nathan was also at the party.

In fact, he took me home with him after the party. We continued our New Year celebration at his place. He lived nearby. Meagan and I wound up sleeping at his place.

Waking up to a new day and a new year.
I woke up well into new year's day.

More champagne.

Nathan was a great host. It was an unplanned way to start the new year. It may have been unplanned, but it turned out great.