Wednesday, January 18, 2017

kinky stuff

Do you ever feel like you're in the wrong business or the wrong profession?
I am a massage therapist, but I recently had some clients who expected a different kind of massage service. You know, something erotic. The sexual healing kind. It was not the first time that this has happened to me.
I met this client at the new year's party. I handed out my business cards to a number of party goers who I thought might be interested in my service. This particular client called me and scheduled a session a few days later.
She was a spunky fun loving person. We danced and had a good time at the party.
We had a good first massage session. Now that I think about it, I probably did give her the impression that my services included stuff other than a massage. She was a flirty person. And I played along. Besides what else could I have done, she is good looking.
She called me again a day later to schedule another session. She did tell me that she had a friend who also wanted to use my service.

When I met her at her apartment complex for the second session, I met her three friends as well. They were all a fun loving bunch. They were playful. I didn't mind. I don't mind playful clients.

I made goofy poses with them. I joined them in the hot tub. As long as they were paying for my time, I went along with their activities. I did eventually give her a massage. What I didn't expect was that her friends were engaging in kinky stuff while watching our massage session.
It was a very tempting situation. It wasn't the first time that a client(s) of mine expected more than just a massage. I always have to remind myself not to cross the line whenever something like this happens.

It was a crazy experience. I never had to deal with so many participants during a session. They were good people who just wanted to have fun. I don't blame them. I didn't want to lose their business, but I had to remind them of my professional code. I really hope they would use my service again in the future, even if it is just for a simple massage. 
This experience got me thinking. Maybe I could make more money providing a broader range of services. But that would mean I would essentially be changing to a different profession. No, I think that I will stay with the profession that I am already in.

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