Thursday, March 9, 2017

aerobic workout

A friend of mine enrolled me in an aerobic exercise class this week. She wanted company. I wasn't too crazy about going to an aerobics class. But I went anyway. I did it as a favor for her.

After a long day of work, I did not look forward to going to class. After giving it a try, I realized that the class wasn't so bad. I think I will give it another week.

You don't want your package to be bouncing around in class.

floral design above LA

If you are ever in LA, you got to drive up to the top of the Santa Monica mountains. The hills above Hollywood are my favorite. The views of the city from there are absolutely fantastic.

I did a photo shoot for Meagan from the deck of a house in the Laurel Canyon area the other day. The area where the house is located is gorgeous. And very expensive.

The house belonged to a friend of a friend of Meagan. Meagan managed to get permission to do a photo shoot there. We were only given a short time window to do the shoot though. Obviously, we took advantage of the views that the location offered.

I would love to have a house up there.

As for the clothes, this photoshoot featured clothes with a tropical floral motif. Meagan got her inspiration from the aloha Hawaiian spirit.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Beverly Hill-billy

Last Sunday I had a rare shopping spree in Beverly Hills. I hit all of the high end department stores. Then again, what store in Beverly Hills isn't a high end store.

Fortunately, I was able to put all of the bills on company expense. Meagan needed me to shop for some accessories for a project that she is working on.

It had been a long time since I last purchased anything at one of those department stores.

I was a bit surprise that the stores and streets were not crowded at all. Maybe the usual customers were at the Oscars, or at home watching it.

 Tyler tagged along because he is part of the project. It is a casual place, but I don't know, maybe Tyler might have been a tad underdressed. In any case, he was quite excited about shopping at Saks.

Although I didn't intend to, I did wind up buying something for myself. This tank top and shorts outfit caught my eye. It looked somewhat quirky. For some reason, I felt compelled to at least try it on.

The short shorts were intriguing. Tyler encouraged me to get it.

the store had very nice changing rooms.

I bought the outfit. It was actually affordable.

It is a good outfit to wear for a stroll around the neighborhood.