Thursday, April 21, 2016

Swimsuit model, or not

It's one thing to chill by the pool or on the beach while wearing (what else would you wear?) your swimsuit. It's another thing to pose in them while strangers are ogling and poking at you.
And I'm not talking about board shorts, I'm talking about posing in skimpy swim trunks.

Superman vs. Batman
I went to a sale by a swimwear wholesale distributor. I found out about the sale when I saw a posting seeking models to pose in swimsuits. I applied for the job. It's not usually my thing, but I wanted to expand my horizons. And I thought it might be fun.
I wasted my time going to the audition. I should have known better. Most of the models at the audition had awesome physiques. Even though the gig wasn't a catwalk show nor some high end production, you still have to be really ripped to have a chance at getting the job.
 I wanted to know what I missed out on, so I went to the sales event. That could have been me, not.

Basically, the model stood there posing in various swimsuits while potential buyers were looking him over. The touchy ones couldn't keep their hands off the model, I mean the swimsuits. lol.
I have to admit that if I had gotten the job, it would have given me bragging rights to say that I was a speedos model. a legitimate speedos model.
I am going to show you something.
Actually I have modelled skimpy swimwear before, sort of. One spring break when I was in high school. Ok, I am going to brag. I was a speedos model. legit or not.
I was a stud.
It was a tacky spring break swimsuit fashion show at some dance club. I think there were more dudes than girls who were interested in ogling us.

I did it for some free dvds, free clothes, and free food. I did it because my then girlfriend wanted to do it.
My two high school buddies chickened out. Those jerks, they missed out. I remember that I got some extra loving from my then girlfriend. lol  It does pay to have bragging rights.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mickey Mouse and shiny buildings

Do you like tall shiny buildings?
I can't help but be impressed by them, at least some of them. The Bonaventure hotel is one of them. The US Bank tower is another one. And they're in close proximity to one another.
I have a number of clients who live in the downtown area. The other day after I finished a massage session, I decided to just chill for a bit and admire the sights of the financial district.
Too often we just take our surroundings for granted instead of taking it in and enjoying the sights.
Well, enough with the philosophizing. I actually needed to clear my head after a stressful session with a client and to think about something else besides work. 
Mickey and me with the Bonaventure hotel and US Bank tower looming over us

a juicy hamburger helped get me back into a better mood
enjoying the view while cleaning up. it was a stressful session.

Unfortunately, the Mickey Mouse shirt didn't put my client in a cheerful mood. Usually it does the trick, but not that day. Sometimes, a client's personal problems carries over in how he interacts with me. At least, I got to enjoy the view from my client's condo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Business has been so-so recently. It is a competitive business.
I am constantly looking for new customers. And I always do my best to keep my current clients satisfied and happy.
One of the things that I am always conscience of is the need to maintain a clean and sanitary operation. Among other things, that means keeping my massage tables clean.
out to dry

Even though I cover up the table with towels or sheets before each session, I still wipe them clean after each use. Also, I often give them a good scrubbing with soap. To clean off the sweat and semen stains. Just kidding, sorta. lol.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hanging out

I spent some time recently with Tyler, one of Meagan's models. Actually he hasn't done much modeling for Meagan.
Meagan and I "discovered" him a while back, while we were doing a photoshoot. He observed us and he showed interest in our work. I guess it might be more accurate to say that he "discovered" us.
In any case, Meagan and Tyler hit it off. She asked him if he wanted to do some modeling for her. He agreed. But since then, not much has happened regarding the modeling.

It turned out that Tyler was more interested in fashion than modeling. He is an arts student. His knowledge of fashion impressed Meagan. Obviously, Tyler wants to get his foot into the fashion industry. Meagan is considering taking him in as an apprentice.

Meagan wanted me to show him around and to check him out. Tyler is from Sacramento. I didn't want to do it. I mean hanging out with Tyler. It felt odd since we weren't buddies. I reluctantly did it. We went to the Santa Monica mountains near the coast, and we also went to a night club. The hanging out went ok.
None of my close buddies are interested in fashion. It was kind of refreshing, I guess you can say, to be able to talk to a dude about fashion.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Talkin' baseball

It's that time of year. It's the beginning of the baseball season. Are you excited?
I used to be a big fan of the sport. Are you a fan of the game? If you are, I don't mean to offend you. But the game has become rather slow and boring. I still like to catch a game at the stadium occasionally, but I go mainly for the food and the atmosphere these days. I am just not into it like I used to be.
Anyway, after I finished a massage session with a client who lives in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood, I drove west to my next destination. Road work led me to a detour through Elysian Park, which is where Dodger Stadium is located.
By the way that blue polo shirt that I was wearing was not the Dodger blue color. That was just a preppy looking outfit that I thought would please my client. The cloud prints on the shirt were suppose to add a touch a whimsy.

Driving through Elysian Park just reminded me that baseball season is upon us, for better or for worse. The Dodgers opened on the road this season fyi. Traffic would have been a nightmare for me had the game been played at the stadium that day.

I actually grew up an A's fan because of the time that I lived in northern California.