Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Colorful Venice

 I love going to Venice, even if it is for business. 

I have some clients who live in Venice. These clients just happen to be the laid back types, which happen to be my favorite type. I don't know if there is something in the air or water in Venice that makes them so easygoing. Venice is a cool kind of place.

 I usually wear something colorful and goofy when I visit these clients, to blend in.

 I want to appear cheerful when they see me at their front door, even when they are already in a good mood. These are the kind of people who appreciate whimsy.

I always leave myself an hour or two of free time, if I can manage it, after my massage session with these clients, so I can just hang out at the Venice beach promenade.

Sometimes I even go for a massage at one of those massage parlors on the promenade. Even a massage therapist need a massage every so often.

This dude works at one of the parlors on the promenade. I got acquainted with him while he was giving me a full body massage, a while back. We shared stories about all the crazy experiences we have had with customers and clients. Strangely enough, we have become friends.

I have worked at massage parlors before. There are differences in working as a therapist compared to working at a massage parlor. The licensing requirements and training are vastly different. And often times, clients or customers have different expectations for what a massage therapist does and what a masseuse or masseur does.

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